About Save Ancas Dogs and Cats
(formely Save Ancas Dogs)
Save Ancas Dogs Group was set up late 2014 by a handful of dog lovers that came together via a Facebook plea, to save 60+ dogs facing eviction from a shelter in Romania that was being run by a kind and compassionate lady named, Anca.
These dogs, many of whom were old, sick and very timid would never of been able to fend for themselves again back on the streets, but as there was nowhere else for them to go it was only a matter of time before this would of been their fate.
Thankfully, with alot of hard work and support the dogs were saved ! Most were rehomed in the UK with some also being rehomed in Europe.
Although Anca no longer had her shelter she continued to rescue as many abandoned dogs and cats as she could manage alone, so rather than disband, this small but very dedicated group decided to continue to provide help and support to Anca and the animals that she rescues.
Save Ancas Dogs and Cats, a not for profit organisation was officially born in January 2016
Happy endings
My name is Lea. I came to live in the UK in 2014 after my lovely new family adopted me.
Please click on my photo to hear my story, and stories about my friends ...